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Image Generation

Open WebUI now supports image generation through two backends: AUTOMATIC1111 and OpenAI DALL·E. This guide will help you set up and use both options.


Open WebUI supports image generation through the AUTOMATIC1111 API. Here are the steps to get started:

Initial Setup

  1. Ensure that you have AUTOMATIC1111 installed.
  2. Launch AUTOMATIC1111 with additional flags to enable API access:
    ./ --api --listen
  3. For Docker installation of WebUI with the environment variables preset, use the following command:
    docker run -d -p 3000:8080 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e AUTOMATIC1111_BASE_URL=http://host.docker.internal:7860/ -e ENABLE_IMAGE_GENERATION=True -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always

Configuring Open WebUI

  1. In Open WebUI, navigate to Settings > Images.
  2. In the API URL field, enter the address where AUTOMATIC1111's API is accessible:
    If you're running a Docker installation of Open WebUI and AUTOMATIC1111 on the same host, use http://host.docker.internal:7860/ as your address.


ComfyUI provides an alternative interface for managing and interacting with image generation models. Learn more or download it from its GitHub page. Below are the setup instructions to get ComfyUI running alongside your other tools.

Initial Setup

  1. Download and extract the ComfyUI software package from GitHub to your desired directory.
  2. To start ComfyUI, run the following command:
    For systems with low VRAM, launch ComfyUI with additional flags to reduce memory usage:
    python --lowvram
  3. For Docker installation of WebUI with the environment variables preset, use the following command:
    docker run -d -p 3000:8080 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e COMFYUI_BASE_URL=http://host.docker.internal:7860/ -e ENABLE_IMAGE_GENERATION=True -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always

Configuring Open WebUI

  1. In Open WebUI, navigate to Settings > Images.
  2. In the API URL field, enter the address where ComfyUI's API is accessible:
    Set the environment variable COMFYUI_BASE_URL to this address to ensure proper integration.


Open WebUI also supports image generation through the OpenAI DALL·E APIs. This option includes a selector for choosing between DALL·E 2 and DALL·E 3, each supporting different image sizes.

Initial Setup

  1. Obtain an API key from OpenAI.

Configuring Open WebUI

  1. In Open WebUI, navigate to Settings > Images.
  2. Select OpenAI as your image generation backend.
  3. Enter your OpenAI API key.
  4. Choose the DALL·E model you wish to use. Note that image size options will depend on the selected model:
    • DALL·E 2: Supports 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024 images.
    • DALL·E 3: Supports 1024x1024, 1792x1024, or 1024x1792 images.

Using Image Generation

Image Generation Tutorial

  1. First, use a text generation model to write a prompt for image generation.
  2. After the response has finished, you can click the Picture icon to generate an image.