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Environment Variables List


For a complete list of all Open WebUI environment variables, see the Environment Variable Configuration page.

The following is a summary of the environment variables for speech to text (STT).

Environment Variables For Speech To Text (STT)

WHISPER_MODELSets the Whisper model to use for local Speech-to-Text
WHISPER_MODEL_DIRSpecifies the directory to store Whisper model files
AUDIO_STT_ENGINESpecifies the Speech-to-Text engine to use (empty for local Whisper, or openai)
AUDIO_STT_MODELSpecifies the Speech-to-Text model for OpenAI-compatible endpoints
AUDIO_STT_OPENAI_API_BASE_URLSets the OpenAI-compatible base URL for Speech-to-Text
AUDIO_STT_OPENAI_API_KEYSets the OpenAI API key for Speech-to-Text